This unit is applicable for all organisations and businesses who have staff who have contact with food or equipment which is used in food preparation, storage, or cleaning. Along with this staff who are involved serving, clearing food, food production and even transporting food.
At AAAT we are very proud of the business we have built, and wanted to let you know why we think we are different to the other training companies.
If you chose AAAT for your training you will get;
Your own online training account where you can store and access your accreditations and course material. You can keep this access even after you have finished for future reference
Engaging content via a genuine on-line learning environment (not just boring old PDF or PowerPoint slides!)
A training and assessment team with a strong history in the hospitality industry. We only provide training for the Hospitality Industry.
A team focussed on making your learning work for you and getting you the accreditation you need as soon as possible. We have helped over 60,000 students get their training accreditations.

Perhaps, our clients say it best….
Having been in the hospitality industry for over 35 years and due to the requirement to move interstate and internationally I’ve been required to complete a range of RSA courses. The Access All Areas training programme is one of the best training modules I have completed
Mike, General Manager Resort Hotel, TAS
Just a quick email to mention how Alicia was exceptional with me today. She helped me throughout my RSA NSW online course and even stayed after work to make sure I would get my certificate -she saved my job and deserves the ''employee of the month''
William, NSW
I really appreciated the videos to make the situations more realistic. I also appreciated the 2nd and 3rd opportunities to get the answer correct rather than just being rejected as unsuccessful. It was also extremely helpful to know you were just a phone call away when I got really stuck.
Robyn, SA Vineyard
The Access All Areas RSA training programme was convenient and uncomplicated. The system was easy to navigate through and their customer service was excellent.
Mark, NSW
SITXFSA005 - Use hygienic practices for food safety
This nationally recognised unit of competency provides information on the use of safe food handling practices in food handling work functions in line with organisational hygiene procedures.
The unit covers the following areas;
Follow hygiene procedures and identify food hazards.
Report any personal health issues.
Prevent food contamination.
Prevent cross contamination by washing hands.
The unit applies to all organisations with permanent or temporary kitchen premises or smaller food preparation or bar areas.
This includes restaurants, cafes, clubs, hotels, and bars; tour operators; attractions; function, event, exhibition and conference catering; educational institutions; aged care facilities; correctional centres; hospitals; defence forces; cafeterias, kiosks, canteens and fast-food outlets; residential catering; in-flight and other transport catering.
It applies to food handlers who directly handle food or food contact surfaces such as cutlery, plates and bowls during the course of their daily work activities. This includes cooks, chefs, caterers, kitchen stewards, kitchen hands, bar, and food and beverage attendants, and sometimes room attendants and front office staff.
Assessment is undertaken using different formats, yet:
All assessments are untimed and are conducted as open book assessment (this means you can refer to your Learner Guide or any other material during the assessment).
You must read and respond to all questions,
You must complete the task independently and using your own words.
No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory.
Not Yet Satisfactory will be followed up by the assessor with feedback. You must review this and resubmit your assessment considering the feedback
As you complete this assessment task you are predominately demonstrating your knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
Evidence gathering techniques may be achieved from the following:
Individual Practical application assessments Observations (real or simulated environments)
Feedback and questions during the program from the trainer
Multi choice questions
Free Text questions
Video/Photo Authentication
Other – Any student contact. All relevant interactions with the learner, including phone calls and emails are recorded and may be used to decide on a learner’s competence of the unit.
Your course will take you around six (6) hours to work through the learning material and then up to four (4) hours of assessment, depending upon your previous experience
To ensure that you meet the learning outcomes for this unit, you are asked to complete the following General Assessment requirements – there are two (2) main sections of the assessment – Knowledge and Performance.
Knowledge assessments assess your ability to understand legislation, operational requirements to maintain food safety standards and personal hygiene to protect yourself and others around food. - Multichoice and Free Text sections
Performance evidence is gathered by assessing your ability to undertake practical activities in handling food, maintaining personal hygiene, and keeping food prep and storage areas clean and safe. - OPOR and Video sections
Learners will be expected to complete the following requirements during the learning and assessment.
Multiple choice questions
Free Text Questions
Other person observation report (multiple checklists) Please note photographic proof does need to be supplied by you for each activity. Please read the Observation Report for details
*Please note that you are required to be in each module for a minimum of 30 minutes to progress to the next section.
Multi Choice
The course has four (4) modules, each with a number of multi choice questions attached. All questions must be answered correctly within each module in order to proceed.
Incorrect answer/s is submitted, you will be automatically taken to the beginning of the module to re-read content and re-answer the incorrect question/s
Practical - Free Text
Further questions will be provided to the learner. The learner must, in their own words, answer each question. All answers must meet the benchmark requirements in order to be marked as correct. All questions must be answered correctly.
Other Party Observation Report (OPOR)
This section of the assessment provides evidence of practical and verbal communication skills. An OPOR (a checklist the observer must fill in) needs to be submitted once the online course is complete. The report will be used, along with the in-course assessments, to make sure you meet the requirements for this Unit of Competency.
To meet the OPOR requirements, the skills must be demonstrated in a working food preparation area.
This can be:
an industry workplace or simulated work environment
The OPOR should be completed by your supervisor, employer, or someone you know with appropriate experience in the hospitality industry. This person directly observes and is able to make a valid comment on your use of safe work practices, demonstration of relevant practical skills and knowledge while performing a range of tasks in a hospitality setting.
Once the completed OPOR has been submitted, AAAT assessors will:
Assess the OPOR to ensure all observation task have been completed to industry standard.
Contact your Observer to verify the observation task.
Conduct an independent verification of the Observer, checking submitted evidence is authentic.
Video and Photographic Authentication
You are required to submit proof you have undertaken all the tasks within the Observation Report. This is done by having your observer take a photo of you for each of the checklists. One photo for each checklist. The Observation Report has the details.
You and you observer must also record a short video of you authenticating yourself - Photo ID, Date of Birth, whilst your observer must also provide a Photo ID along with stating their name and a declaration stating they meet the criteria to be an observer and they witnessed you doing all the activities. Click here for Criteria to be an Observer
In total there will be Five (5) photos and One (1) Video
Upon submission of your final assessment piece, a Trainer and Assessor will review your work. If any of your answers do not meet requirements, feedback will be sent to you. Please read through this carefully, review the learning material and resubmit your work.
A verification email will be sent to your observer, as mentioned above. Once we have received this, we can complete our assessment of your work. (If you can also follow them up to make sure they respond quickly to our email)
Please allow two (2) working days for assessment.
If you are marked as correct and email will be sent to you with your statement of attainment.
If your work does not meet requirements, more feedback will be sent to you.
Incorrect answers after your third attempt will be acknowledged as a failure and you will have to undertake the course again.
Assessment is conducted through our learning portal.
All your learning resources including food standards, videos, legislation, and safety guides, are available on your learner portal.
Assessment material is online, though some items may be downloaded.
Reference made to Legislation and Regulations that specifically deal with:
Food Safety Program
Food Safety Guide
The Food Standards
Governing Agencies
(Click to see full list)
It is recommended you complete the course on a personal computer, preferably Chrome.
A mobile phone or video recording device
Fixtures and equipment used for food preparation. e.g., Work bench, fridge, sink, storage facilities.
Small equipment used for food preparation. e.g., containers, cutlery, cutting boards, glassware, serving utensils, etc.
Appropriate and designated facilities for handwashing including liquid soap, single use towels.